Wednesday, February 12, 2014

My Goal

Here's what I really want to accomplish:

1. Buyer's initial order is strictly "Authorize" only, NOT "Authorize and Capture". That's my client's requirement.

2. We're using the payment gateway which allows for an "AUTH_ONLY" x_type. This checks the CC and puts a hold on the funds but does not charge the CC. Within 30 days, this can be followed up with a new x_type called "PRIOR_AUTH_CAPTURE" which then charges the CC. sends out a transaction id with the first authorization and retains the needed information for capturing the information under that id.

3. So I want to set the Order Checkout to be "AUTH_ONLY" which is an option currently available in the payment gateway add-on.

4. When the order is ready to be shipped, the client wants to click a button that will alert to capture the funds. I want that button on the Orders table in the Order Management pages. I want the click to: a) send the CURL communication to using the Transaction ID that sent back with the first authorization and is stored with the order; b) change the payment status of the order, c) send out a new notification to the buyer.

As far as I can tell, the capability exists, in pieces, in the Cartthrob code because it is used for the Subscription add-on.

The goal of my journey is to figure out how to pull those pieces together to do what I need them to do. If you've already done it, earn some karma points and share it with me!

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